The story revolves around a young Bengali village school teacher (Rahul Bose) marrying his Japanese pen friend (Chigusa Takaku) over letters and remaining true and loyal to her throughout his life, while actually never meeting her.
bengali love
Snehmoy Chatterjee(Rahul Bose) and Miyage (Chigusa Takaku) are pen friends who exchange wedding vows through letters. Fifteen years pass but they never meet. Yet the bond of marriage is strong between them. This unusual relationship comes under a cloud when a young widow, Sandhya (Raima Sen), comes to stay with Snehmoy along with her eight-year-old son Poltu. Snehmoy and the little boy bond and the arithmetic teacher discovers the joy of palpable bonds and fatherhood. There develops an inexplicable thread of understanding with Sandhya too. But Snehmoy remained loyal to his unseen Japanese wife. When Miyage was ill from cancer, he took a long leave from his school and tried to find a cure for her illness. Snehamoy sets out one day during a storm to talk to the closest oncologist, but leaves upon realization that without Miyage physically being there, the doctor can do little. On the way back, the storm turns violent, with harsh wind and rain. He catches pneumonia when he returns to his house. Due to the continuing storm, no villagers are able to travel to Calcutta by boat to obtain the antibiotics required to cure his infection. He dies days later. The movie ends with a bald Miyage in a white Sari, visiting the house of her husband Snehamoy.
my bengali poem
The production of the film started in April 2007. This is the first time Aparna Sen has made a film based on someone else's story. This movie is based on the title story of The Japanese Wife and Other Stories by Bengali Indian author Kunal Basu, who writes from Oxford and is an engineer by training. This film was earlier titled as The Kite, but later changed to the name of the original story title.
This poem is provided by
(My Bengal of gold, I love
speech - Bengali Language
bengali love
Snehmoy Chatterjee(Rahul Bose) and Miyage (Chigusa Takaku) are pen friends who exchange wedding vows through letters. Fifteen years pass but they never meet. Yet the bond of marriage is strong between them. This unusual relationship comes under a cloud when a young widow, Sandhya (Raima Sen), comes to stay with Snehmoy along with her eight-year-old son Poltu. Snehmoy and the little boy bond and the arithmetic teacher discovers the joy of palpable bonds and fatherhood. There develops an inexplicable thread of understanding with Sandhya too. But Snehmoy remained loyal to his unseen Japanese wife. When Miyage was ill from cancer, he took a long leave from his school and tried to find a cure for her illness. Snehamoy sets out one day during a storm to talk to the closest oncologist, but leaves upon realization that without Miyage physically being there, the doctor can do little. On the way back, the storm turns violent, with harsh wind and rain. He catches pneumonia when he returns to his house. Due to the continuing storm, no villagers are able to travel to Calcutta by boat to obtain the antibiotics required to cure his infection. He dies days later. The movie ends with a bald Miyage in a white Sari, visiting the house of her husband Snehamoy.
my bengali poem
The production of the film started in April 2007. This is the first time Aparna Sen has made a film based on someone else's story. This movie is based on the title story of The Japanese Wife and Other Stories by Bengali Indian author Kunal Basu, who writes from Oxford and is an engineer by training. This film was earlier titled as The Kite, but later changed to the name of the original story title.
This poem is provided by
(My Bengal of gold, I love
speech - Bengali Language
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